Use single USB stick to unlock multiple encrypted disks

We want to run our servers with full disk encryption and use a single USB stick to unlock them. The solution is to make multiple partitions on a USB stick. With the bioctl command you can point to an unused partition to store a new key. describes how to setup an OpenBSD installation using full disk encryption with a keydisk. And has instructions how to execute the steps below.

  1. Use disklabel to create multiple partitions on the USB stick used to store the keys (sd1a, sd1b, sd1d etc).
  2. When creating an encrypted drive use an unused partition on the USB stick.
  3. Make a backup of the USB stick.

# Use sysctl hw.disknames or dmesg to determine the name of the USB stick.

# Initialize the USB stick.
fdisk -iy sd1
# Create multiple 1MB RAID partitions to store each key.
disklabel -E sd1 

# Create the encrypted disk.
bioctl -c C -k sd1a -l sd0a softraid0
# or
bioctl -c C -k sd1b -l sd0a softraid0
# or
bioctl -c C -k sd1d -l sd0a softraid0

# backup
dd bs=8192 skip=1 count=3 if=/dev/rsd1a of=backup-keydisk.img
# restore
dd bs=8192 seek=1 count=3 if=backup-keydisk.img of=/dev/rsd1a